Group Sessions (Online): Webinar & Support Group

More than a weight loss groupI run a webinar: ‘How To Beat Overeating For Good’  and a support group (fortnightly). Both are designed for individuals who:-

~ Want to tackle emotional eating, binge-eating or mindless overeating/food choices

~ Might be looking to lose weight but wants more than a weigh-in type of weight loss group, wants to stop going on restrictive diets and instead achieve a more balanced, flexible approach to food in order to stop ‘yo-yo’ dieting and lose weight more gradually- and, importantly, work on improving their relationship with food at the same time

~ Would benefit from some in-depth discussion about their eating- chatting to others with similar goals and challenges

~ Would like to learn about the concepts and benefits of mindful eating

~ Would like to gain more knowledge about nutrition and how it links to appetite control, weight management, mood and overall health and well-being.

1. Webinar

‘How To Beat Overeating For Good’

Helping you to tackle emotional eatingWhen it comes to improving eating habits or losing weight, using self-discipline and willpower to stick to an eating plan or certain food rules just isn’t enough. Even if you think you have good willpower and self-discipline, you probably know deep-down that a fundamental change in mindset is required.

Learning to understand why a person might overeat in the first place or why they find it hard to eat in a balanced, mindful way can help them to identify the main reasons and triggers and tackle overeating, mindless food choices or disordered eating for good.

Food and eating can symbolise different things to different people. For example, eating can be a way to relax or have a break; it can have a calming, distracting or numbing effect when things feel difficult or overwhelming, it can be a way to reward oneself, let go or decompress, a way to put things off (procrastinate), and it can even be a means of rebelling or ‘rule breaking’. Food might be used as a way to try and self-soothe or even self-punish.

This webinar is for anyone who:-

Helping you to tackle emotional eating~   Wants to stop swinging between bingeing and restricting (‘good’ and ‘bad’ eating) and develop a more balanced approach to food by tackling all-or-nothing thinking and behaviours

~ Has had enough of dieting but still wants to lose weight

~ Might enjoy eating healthy meals but can’t control excessive grazing or snacking

~ Feels lost in terms of how to approach healthy, balanced eating and/ or weight loss

~ Self-sabotages when attempting to eat healthily or follow a diet plan

~ Would describe themselves as a mindless eater

~ Would describe themselves as an emotional eater and wants to stop using food as a coping mechanism

~ Wants to develop more flexible, realistic and sustainable eating habits and tackle ‘food guilt’.

By gaining some in-depth knowledge about the psychology of eating and how it relates to themselves, individuals can identify their own particular eating triggers that might be making them feel out of control of food, and create some strategies to help them manage the food environment and specific eating scenarios they’re faced with more confidently.

Eating habits, body image, self-worth, lifestyle, personality, mental health and past experiences are just some of the topics that are explored, as it’s important to consider the ‘whole picture’ when it comes to understanding a person’s relationship with food and eating behaviour.

The webinar content includes some real-life case studies and is packed full of information, tips and advice including:-

Helping you to tackle emotional eating~ How to eat more mindfully through simple mindful eating practises and strategies, to help you feel more confident and hopeful about navigating today’s challenging ‘obesogenic’ food environment

~ How to adopt a more flexible mindset when it comes to food and tackle unhelpful all-or-nothing thinking that can lead to all-or-nothing eating behaviours

~ How to notice when your ‘diet head’ is talking, how it can hinder, not help, and strategies to develop more helpful thought processes in relation to food choices, eating and weight loss

~ Key factors involved in emotional eating (or ‘comfort eating’)- looking in depth at the key causes, and strategies to tackle it

~ How childhood can positively or negatively influence a person’s relationship with food and eating behaviour well into adulthood

~ Foods that keep us feeling fuller for longer to help manage appetite and food cravings, and advice to clear up any confusion you might have from all the mixed messages about food, nutrition and weight loss

~ How our relationship with ourselves can impact our relationship with food.

Benefits of attending this webinar:-

~ Provides you with valuable tips and skills to set up new, long-lasting habits to help you improve your eating mindset and address overeating

~ Gain insightful knowledge not just about the psychology of eating but about yourself too, to help you develop a better relationship with food, escape the yo-yo dieting trap and learn valuable skills to eat in a more balanced way to help you with your long-term health and weight management goals

~ Includes a detailed handout (Powerpoint slides) and a comprehensive questions and exercises handout emailed to you after the webinar, enabling you to go back through the material and try out exercises in your own time

~ Opportunity to ask questions and to hear about other people’s experiences

~ Small groups: up to 8 people per course ensures quality discussion and effective, interactive learning and support; meet other people with similar issues

~ Create a ‘tool box’ for life: a personalised strategy to start implementing positive change.

Session duration: 2.5 hours (9.30am-midday). There will be one short break during the session, with the first part comprising presentation of the key topics, and the second part discussion and any questions.

Cost: £40  (includes questions and exercises handout and a copy of Powerpoint slides).

Ticket purchases: please visit Eventbrite.

Reviews from attendees ‘Improve Your Relationship With Food’ (previous name of workshop, and formerly a 4 session course, now condensed into one convenient session):-

“Thank you so much for such a fab workshop. I have learnt so much about myself as well as my eating habits and triggers. I found the session so beneficial, as well as learning you are not the only one, and would recommend to anyone who is struggling with their relationship with food”.
“I found Emma’s workshop very thought-provoking, interesting and comprehensive. It was good to explore and question the reasons behind my relationship with food and to also meet others with similar issues. Having yo-yo dieted for most of my life, I am now putting into practice the things I have learnt and would highly recommend the course to others. It’s made a big difference to me, and so far so good!”
“Emma’s course was an excellent introduction to the emotional and practical aspects of eating, and has made me think about my relationship with food in a whole different way. Emma brought a huge wealth of knowledge to the course and made a real effort to understand my own food issues. She gave practical and manageable suggestions for how to make improvements, as well as providing incredibly detailed and informative course documentation to complement this. The sessions provided a safe space to share stories with other group members, and learn from each other’s experiences. It was a very valuable course and has started me off on what I hope will be a very different relationship with food. Recommended! Thanks Emma.”

2. Online Support Group

Are You Looking For More Than Just A Weight Loss Group?

Helping you to tackle emotional eatingOur relationship with food can be complex!

Do you want to improve your relationship with food? Perhaps you want to lose weight but don’t want to go back to restrictive diet plans. Or maybe you’re a healthy weight but battling with emotional eating.

It’s not often people get an opportunity to learn how to improve their relationship with food- there just isn’t much support out there. Understanding your relationship with food could help you to tackle overeating or disordered eating for good.

FREE taster session to find out more about the support group (more information below, including start dates of the support groups).

A Weight Loss Goal Alone Is Too Simplistic And Can Be Ineffective

Whilst weight loss clubs give people plenty of opportunity to focus on and achieve their weight loss goals, it’s not easy to find something that helps an individual to understand why they might overeat in the first place or why they find it hard to eat in a balanced way, which might keep them stuck in a cycle of yo-yo dieting, or swinging between binge eating and restrictive eating.

When addressing overeating, exploring both emotional eating and mindless eating behaviours can be really useful, as well as looking at how eating habits and attitudes around food can arise from learned behaviours from childhood.

Food Can Symbolise Different Things

To understand a person’s relationship with food, it’s also important to recognise that food and eating can symbolise different things to different people. For example, eating can be a way of having a break, it can have a calming effect, it can act as a distraction or provide a temporary release from difficult situations or from one’s own state of mind, it can be a way of taking or relinquishing control, and it can even be a means of rebelling or ‘rule breaking’. Food might be used as a way to try and self-soothe or even self-punish.

This online support group will provide a great opportunity for you to talk to others about your eating. The group is for anyone who:-

Helping you to tackle emotional eating~ Wants to stop swinging between overeating and restrictive eating (or ‘good’ and ‘bad’ eating)

~ Has had enough of dieting but still wants to lose weight

~ Wants to develop a more ‘normal’ and balanced approach to food by tackling all-or-nothing thinking and behaviours

~ Would describe themselves as a mindless eater and would like to learn more about the empowering benefits of mindful eating

~ Would describe themselves as a ‘comfort eater’ (uses food to ‘cope’) and would like to learn some strategies to tackle emotional eating

~ Feels lost in terms of how to approach healthy, balanced eating and/ or weight loss

~ Self-sabotages when attempting to eat healthily or follow any diet plan

~ Would like to gain more knowledge about nutrition in relation to appetite control, weight management, mood, brain function and overall health

~ Wants to develop more flexible, realistic and sustainable eating habits, and to simply feel more at peace with food

~ Would benefit from some in-depth discussion about their eating- chatting to others with similar goals and challenges; likes the idea of regular check-ins with others to discuss their progress. It’s easy to let new habits slip!

By gaining some in-depth knowledge about the psychology of eating and how it relates to themselves, individuals can identify their own particular eating triggers that might be making them feel out of control of food, and create some strategies to help them manage the food environment more confidently and specific eating scenarios they’re faced with on a daily basis.

Eating habits, body image, self-worth, lifestyle, personality, mental health and past experiences are just some of the topics that are explored, as it’s important to consider the ‘whole picture’ when it comes to understanding a person’s relationship with food and eating behaviour.

Benefit From Chatting To Others In A Similar Situation

Just talking things through and listening to others’ experiences and eating behaviours can really help- it’s good to share and relate as it can help you to realise that lots of other people struggle too- you’re not alone.

Cost: Tickets for the fortnightly online support group will be available as a block of 4 at £15 per 90 minute session (total: £65- please note that this includes an administration fee of £5 to help cover my Eventbrite ticketing fees). Payment can then be renewed for further blocks if desired.

FREE Taster Session Introducing The Support Group

This free one hour (online) session is for anyone interested in finding out more about my two upcoming fortnightly supports group starting in 2024 (start dates below). Come along for free and find out more. It’s an opportunity to meet me and get a feel for how it will run, and meet other people who are also interested in joining the group. Book your FREE place via Eventbrite. No obligation to sign up to the support group once you’ve attended the taster session.

Attending my support group (or above webinar) can help you to:-

~ Start taking action to end the fight with food: identify your main triggers to overeat or make unhelpful food choices, and discover strategies to help you find a natural stopping point with your eating to help you manage food (‘managing choice’)

~ Stop swinging between restrictive eating and overeating and instead achieve more balanced, flexible eating habits. If weight loss is your goal, learn how to escape yo-yo dieting and achieve gradual weight loss based on flexible, mindful eating practises as well as a personalised way of eating

~ Look at the whole picture: to manage our eating we have to address our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours,  lifestyle factors and the physiology Helping you to tackle emotional eating(food and the body)

~  Tackle your inner critic, which can affect your mood and self-worth, and how you behave around food

~ Feel less guilt and shame around food (which can also help to address secret eating)

~ Stop putting daily pressure on yourself to lose weight (and perhaps an unrealistic amount of weight), and instead make your primary goal, for now, to focus on improving your relationship which food and understand in-depth why you might overeat; weight loss and more balanced eating is often a positive by-product

~ Feel more empowered and confident about making positive, long-term (sustainable) changes through better self-understanding

~ Gain some really valuable insight into food, the body, and factors that can promote and drive fat storage and obesity (the nutrition and physiology), and clear up any confusion regarding the many different nutritional messages out there about healthy eating and weight loss.

Support Group Dates: 2024 (fortnightly, online)

If you’re interested in the support group (morning or evening session) but don’t wish to try the initial free taster session first, please visit Eventbrite for support group information and tickets:-

Wednesday evening group (starts 5th June 2024, 6.30-8pm).

Thursday morning group (starts 6th June 2024, 9.30-11am).

For more information about my workshops or support group, please don’t hesitate to give me a call on 07961 423120 or email me:

Comments from previous support group attendees:-

How to tackle emotional eating“For anyone not sure I would totally recommend these support groups. Emma is full of knowledge and so supportive and I always leave feeling inspired. It’s lovely to talk to others in the same boat and support each other too. Could not praise these meetings enough if I tried!”.

“These meetings are amazing! I highly recommend them. Attended this week and I felt uplifted and motivated again after feeling down about the way I have been eating recently. Emma is so supportive and so helpful and just truly inspiring”.

Read more REVIEWS from clients about my services.

Prefer One-To-One Sessions?

SPECIAL OFFER on one-to-one sessions: buy three sessions up front and get a 4th session FREE! Click here for more information or please  contact me via email.

Click here to purchase tickets for any of my events via Eventbrite or to see my events schedule.

For more information about how I work with clients, see ‘Services‘.

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For additional information and tips see my blogs.